Two Sides of The Coin

Two Sides of the Coin

We all agree there is a heads and tails for coins. When you look at the different coins, they are not identical. They each have their nuances even though you may have two nickels, two quarters, and so on, they can have different imprints on them.

Our thoughts are on the opposite side as well. You have either negative thoughts or positive. No two people are identical in their thinking. They may agree but only to a certain degree.

When you spend your time with negative thoughts you miss out on so many opportunities in achieving peace of mind and success.

Thoughts of anger, resentment, bitterness, and sorrow consume an enormous amount of energy. They keep you stuck in a cycle which distract you on what is most important. Your family, relations, and the desire for more opportunities in business.

The positive thoughts allow you to create new ideas, strengthen your relationships, and allow you more energy to do more. You feel more energized and alive when you are working towards a positive outcome.

Nowhere has it been written that circumstance has dominion over man. This is a limiting belief people have been sold on which is not true.

The ability to succeed far outweighs the concept of failure. If you doubt this, you can always research it and you will discover this is true.


Many people sit around waiting for opportunities for wealth to come their way. When opportunity knocks, they say, “No!”
They then create alibis to explain their mediocre life.

“I don’t have the education.”
“I don’t have the time.”
“I can’t afford it.”
“I don’t know anyone.”
“I am married, and my children take up my time.”
“I am not very good at….”

These were once my beliefs and excuses. In reading Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” these relate to the alibis of people in the early 1900s. These were the stories they told to explain the reasons for their failure to earn more money or to succeed.

The creator of the universe would not have created you for amusement, to see you fail, and struggle. These are the things your ego has told you. That little voice which says, “You’re not good enough.”

This is a big L I E! Imagine this, you may be a parent and most parents marvel at the intelligence of their children and take pleasure in watching them succeed. The creator takes the same pleasure in watching you to succeed. You have a purpose in life. You know what it is because it lingers in your thoughts and fills your dreams as you sleep.

It is that voice which is telling you, “I’ve got you! This is what I want you to do.”

Follow your dreams and don’t worry if you don’t know how things are going to work out. That is not your concern. Keep your eye and your mind on the goal and all you need will come to you as it is needed.
Take the time to ask questions, to understand, and to have faith you are in the right spot at the right time.

Life Perspective

There are people I know who say their life sucks.
Life is hard! They say people are so annoying.

Here is what I learned from personal experience and observation.
Your life is the sum of your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

If you have a bad attitude and always see life as hard and people are annoying, you are creating what you believe to be true.
There are people I have met whose life may be wrought with stress, adversity, and uncertainty due to illness, yet they have an amazing attitude often saying they’re “Blessed” and that they are doing great.

Despite their challenges they’re receiving the “Blessings” they believe in.
This is something we are seldom taught as children; your attitude determines the direction of your life and the results you receive.

We often react out of habit to people and the circumstances which are unpleasing. When you think about it after the fact, it wasn’t the person or circumstances which brought the anger, it was something else; The rude person who cut you off in traffic, the coworker blaming you for something you weren’t involved with.

Suppressing our initial anger is often the source of the delayed outburst. You direct it towards your spouse, your children, or some unsuspecting person.
Consider the times you interrupted someone who was engrossed in what they were doing. You asked a question, and their response came across abrupt or dismissive. From your perspective it was offensive. They on the other hand had not given you their full attention and didn’t put thought in their response

Turn that around when you were engrossed in working on a home project, your spouse asked a question, and your response offended them because of your lack of attention.
How do you change the outcome of these situations? By considering the circumstances from a distance. Look at the big picture. Were you intent on being dismissive when your spouse interrupted you? The chances are the response you received was not meant to come out as rude.

You have the choice on how you respond to people and circumstances you encounter. This is something I have had to change for myself.
How can a business exist by not giving its full attention for their clients?
Giving your full attention to your family, friends, coworkers, and the activities you encounter is essential to good mental health.
What are the things you are willing to do to change the results you are getting?

Soving for “X”

X = Goal

There are thousands to millions of people who wish to increase their income.
They have in their mind a specific dollar amount and imagine what they would do with the money.
The problem is they don’t know how to get to their goal.
If they knew how, they would already be there.

They habitually pass up opportunities which could help them achieve their goal. Why? They submitted to fear and the lie, “they are not good enough.”
Their alibis are:
I don’t have time.
It sounds too good to be true.
My spouse wouldn’t approve.
I have a family.
I must pay bills.

These are the reasons they use to avoid pursuing their goals.
Essentially, they failed to solve for “x”.
Going after something you have never done before will cause fear. You are going outside of your comfort zone. You should enjoy being uncomfortable as this is where the growth occurs.Your income will grow when you step out of your comfort zone.

How to make a will online free

In all our lives comes a time when we feel we ought to make a will. Be it that we are at the end of the journey or that we’ve simply become aware of our mortality, making a will is an excellent way to ensure that things will be in order after we pass on. But, making a will can seem like a daunting task. You need to go through the trouble of outlying it and hire a lawyer to help you. Luckily, there is a more straightforward option. Here is how to make a will online free.

Make a will online free

We created our site solely to enable people to create free online wills. As we feel that making a will shouldn’t be a luxury but an essential commodity, we’ve made the process intuitive and straightforward. To clarify, we will use this article as an essential guide. If you go through it with due care, we are certain you will have no trouble creating your free online will. Please visit our FAQ page or contact us directly if you run into any trouble.

Basic details

When you set out to make a will online free you will first have to input your basic info. That includes your Full Name, your Prefered Name (optional), and your email address. Our system will recognize you according to these basic details for the rest of the process. So, make sure you get them right.

You must input your gender and birth date on the next screen. We use gender data to make demographic analytics and, hopefully, improve our services. Your birth date is an essential part of your legal data. In most states, you cannot make a free online will if you are not at least 21. That is also why providing an address of your permanent residence is essential, as different states have different laws regarding online wills. If you own property in the U.S. but don’t live here, we advise you to add the address where you have the most property. Providing your phone number is optional.

The next screen will require you to choose a marital status. That is a legal aspect and not a romantic one. So, even if you have lived with a significant other for years but don’t have official registration, you should consider yourself single for the will. You will also need to estimate the total value of your assets. That is solely to aid in outlining the necessary documents.


In the next section, you need to outline whether or not you have children. Adopted children do count.

After that, you need to specify whether you would like to include your pets in your will. Keep in mind that, from a legal standpoint, pets are seen as property. Therefore, you cannot bequeath any gifts to them. But, you can outline financial aid to a person who will care for your pet.


You can aid charity organizations, non-profit organizations, or social movements in the residuary section. If you feel that a particular organization is doing good for the world, and you wish to help them, this is where you can donate.

The next step is to choose who will be the primary beneficiaries of your residual estate. These individuals will be first in line to inherit your property once you are gone. For each individual (or organization), you will have to enter your full name. And the percentage of your residual estate that they stand to inherit. Remember that the residual estate remains after all the gifts, debts, taxes, and specific requests have been settled.

Once you finish, you will need to outline a second beneficiary. The beneficiary will inherit your residual estate if your first beneficiary does not survive you. Remember you should set a residuary beneficiary after you’ve listed the primary and secondary ones.

After you’ve entered the residuary distribution data, we will ask you to review it. As you can imagine, this data is essential, so you should read it thoroughly before proceeding.


The next section asks if you wish to leave gifts for specific individuals. If you don’t want to leave any gifts, you can skip the entire section by clicking on “Save & Continue.” If you do, you will have to outline what kind of property you wish to leave and to whom. We advise that you also consider transportation costs. While you can find expert help with any task and many top movers to choose from while moving in Washington, DC, you should consider transportation beforehand.


Seeing that you are outlining your will, it is only natural to outline your funeral requests. But, while your funeral executor will have access to these documents, know that they are not legally binding. You can choose where you will be buried and who will attend your funeral. You can even outline what the funeral service will be like in detail.


In this section, you will outline who will be the executor of your will. As the name suggests, your executor will ensure your will is executed. Therefore, we advise you to carefully consider who you will pick for yours. You can choose a lawyer as your executor, but this is unnecessary. People often choose an executor that is a trustworthy and responsible family member. If they stand to inherit a decent percentage of your property, they will likely take good care of it and ensure that your wishes are met. Nevertheless, you should talk with your executor candidates and ensure you pick the right one for the job.

We also give you the option of picking a digital executor. That person will take care of your digital assets if you have them. By default, the executor you choose is also your digital executor. But, if you wish, you can choose someone else.

Another option you can choose is the no-contest clause. That entails that if a person challenges your will, they inherit nothing.


What follows are straightforward answers to some basic questions and a final review. As such, we will assume that you’ve finished the process and managed to make a will online free. So, congrats! Again, contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Meta: If you want to know how to make a will online free, here is our step-by-step guide to help you make the best will.

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